Three to eleven

1-1 Tutoring

Our vision at ThreetoEleven is to empower our students with a versatile toolbox of skills and strategies that seamlessly complement the school curriculum. We offer personalized 1-1 tutoring services, catering to a wide spectrum of needs. Whether it’s providing homework assistance, addressing specific gaps in Mathematics and English, or working on broader curriculum goals, we’re here to support each student on their unique educational journey. The best part is, you can learn from the comfort of your own home!

Tailored Support

Our approach is flexible. We can collaborate with students on short-term objectives, helping them achieve specific goals. Alternatively, we can craft comprehensive educational plans that ensure they not only meet but surpass curriculum expectations. We believe in customizing our support to meet the individual needs of each student.

In-person lessons

  • Immerse your child in a traditional learning experience with our in-person lessons. Our in-person lessons allow students to benefit from face-to-face interactions and personalised attention.

Building Relationships

At the core of ThreetoEleven is the value we place on building strong relationships with both students and parents. We are committed to nurturing these relationships because we understand that the key to success lies in collaboration. Our ultimate goal is to help children unlock their full potential, fostering their independence and confidence as learners. We strive to empower them to become successful, self-assured, and independent learners ready to conquer any challenge they encounter.

Online lessons

Online Learning for Flexibility:

  • Embrace the freedom of learning from the comfort of your own space.
  • Choose from a diverse pool of experienced tutors available worldwide.
  • Enjoy flexible scheduling to fit your busy lifestyle from the comfort of your home, with no need to commute to us.